Dear ican Families and Friends,
The Planning Committee of the ican Conference invites you to the 2022 International Children’s Anophthalmia Network conference in Philadelphia, PA. As you read through this registration packet, know that the Planning Committee is working hard on your behalf to make this an informative and rewarding conference. You will hear excellent speakers and attend workshops in which participants share experiences and learn not only from the experts leading the sessions, but also from one another.
If you are unable to participate, but would like to help out in other ways, or if you know of anyone who may be willing to donate to this worthy cause, please email us at We will email or mail all necessary forms to you.
Ryan McGrady
President, ican
February 21, 2022
Scientists find gene linked to child blindness – A team of scientists, including researchers in Edinburgh, have identified genetic changes linked to coloboma, which affects around one in every 5,000 births.
A gene known as YAP1 was found not to be working in some patients, leading to the condition. The researchers hope the findings can lead to better diagnosis as well as treatments which may be able to reverse the problem.
Click here to read the full story…
You have just heard your baby has anophthalmia or microphthalmia (A/M). This is a difficult time. You may feel overwhelmed with grief and anger. You may instead be saying, the doctors must be wrong somehow. Or you may be rethinking every step of your pregnancy wondering what you did or did not do that could have caused this to happen. All of these are normal reactions to such unexpected news. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
This website was designed to help you learn more about A/M. It can help you learn what to expect in the coming days and months. We realize that many medical professionals may not have ever treated another child with A/M, which can be frustrating.
We hope the information on this website will help you as you navigate through this confusing and scary time. Please remember that it’s all right to ask others for help. Turn to your doctors, friends, family and other support systems who can guide you during this time.
ican (international children’s anophthalmia/microphthalmia network) is a support group made up of families and professionals, for families dealing with these issues. The support group can put you in touch with other families or medical professionals who can help. You can call 1-800-580-ican or go to the support forum link on the left of this screen to contact other families.
Resource Announcement!
website links to state agencies that offer funding for developmental disabilities
“Hello ican friends and families, I just came across this link that list all the states that offer funding for developmental disabilities. You may be able to apply for funding for the ican conference. The sooner the better. You may have to search on your states page under “developmental council” I had a hard time finding the info for MASS but I did find it. I had applied for these grants/funds for previous conferences and it sure did help w/getting a family of six to Florida. I would encourage all of our ican families to apply for such grants to attend the conference. Please let us know how this works out by e-mailing”
~ Margaret Cote